by CSA S.r.l.



CIVIS.Team is the App, entirely conceived and created by the CIVIS Group, used for any type of personal communication that exists between the company and individual employee.The ultimate aim of CIVIS.Team is to concentrate the operators personal communications in a protected, structured, digital, timely tool that guarantees the tracing and certification of communications.Through the App, the employee can:- Consult the service order for each day past and future- Receive promptly any modification of the service order through dedicated notifications- Confirm, where contractually provided with customers, their availability to enter the service in the hours preceding the start of the shift.- Consult the schedule of activities in charge of the employee, also through dedicated notifications.- Receive any type of confidential communication sent by the company.- Send reports or requests through the "Listening desk" tool: the employee, in a totally protected and if anonymously provided manner, sends confidential communications to the supervisory body of the company code of ethics or to the psychological assistance department.